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rachel making happy

- one day at a time

Greetings and bienvenidos to rachel making happy, my personal blog for documenting what I have designated the year of making.

You see, I had an epiphany earlier this month, as I begin to mentally review the past year, that I am happiest when I take the time to stretch my creative muscles, which for me can be knitting, cooking, sewing, writing, drawing, painting or taking pictures. It's what I love to do.

Yet sadly, the realities of this economic recession have kept me from spending much of my time the way I'd like to. That, plus the block I've had personally that finally---I am ever so grateful---has passed.

The past couple years have indeed been difficult, for so many of us. But enough is enough. The time has come for making ourselves happy. :-)

A few more bits about me:

*I am from the old school of blogging. That is, I am not here to promote anything or sell ads or give anything away. I blog simply as a journal of what I'm up to, as a record of the places I've been---physically, creatively, emotionally. Truth be known, that the Internet is used so much today as a promotion vehicle kind of makes me sick. I'm way more interested in the sharing of ideas, experiences, knowledge.

*I work from home, and I love that. Still, I am pondering a career switch that would change that.

*I am happily married to a great guy.

*We share our little home with two beautiful dogs and a handsome, albeit very naughty, kitty.

*I love to eat (but not meat) and I love to cook.

*I also love to make things.

*And spend a lot of time pondering and writing about life.

At the start of this new year, I see rachel making happy as my personal inspiration and score boards to make sure I uphold my personal creative commitments. Readers will find recipes, photos, design and craft ideas, poems, and other snippets that make me happy. Hope to see you here often, and feel free to leave a comment! :-)

Happy 2011!!!

Photo from Design*Sponge.


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